Family Rights Groupathlon 2023

Family Rights Groupathlon 2023



  • About

Over the course of a week, Family Rights Group’ trustees, staff and supporters will together take on the equivalent of an ultratriathlon (and more), raising money to support the charity's work. The thing is, we’re doing it as a team. Between June 25th to July 1st - we will be collectively running, swimming, rowing or cycling the distance (at least).

We're supporting Family Rights Group because their work has become even more critical since the pandemic. They advise parents whose children are in need, at risk or in the care system and wider family members including kinship carers raising children unable to remain at home. They campaign for families to have their voices heard, be treated fairly and get help early before problems escalate. They also campaign to improve recognition and support for kinship carers, including working with the cross party APPG on Kinship Care in Parliament. And they run a programme called Lifelong Links which works with children and young people in the care system to develop positive, lasting support networks.

All money we raise will help Family Rights Group support more children and families in need.